As discussed in the development mode overview, to make Openlayer part of your pipeline, you must set up a way to push your artifacts to the Openlayer platform after each development cycle.

This guide shows how to use the Openlayer REST API to push artifacts and retrieve test results.

What artifacts are pushed to Openlayer

To use Openlayer’s development mode, you must push a tarfile with a directory that adheres to the following structure, where openlayer.json is a configuration file:

In the first option, besides the openlayer.json, there is a run script ( This option represents the scenario where Openlayer will use your script to get your model outputs for your datasets.

On the other hand, option 2 illustrates the situation when you already provide your model’s outputs for your datasets. Refer to the Configuring output generation page for details.

Option 1 is more common. However, option 2 is suitable for users who don’t want to give Openlayer access to their source code and for users whose execution runtime is not supported by Openlayer.

Once you have a directory that adheres to the structure outlined, create a tarfile with:

tar -cvzf tarfile <your directory path here>

Pushing to Openlayer

To push the tarfile just created to Openlayer use the Openlayer CLI commands outlined here.

Poll the results

After following the steps above, you should see a new commit in your Openlayer project. You can poll the results using the REST API.

To do so, make a GET request to /versions/{id}.

In the response, you can check the status field to see if it is:

  • running
  • completed
  • failed
  • queued
  • paused
  • unknown

As soon as the artifacts are pushed, they get queued. Shortly after, it goes to running, and once it is completed, you’ll receive the passingGoalCount, and failingGoalCount — which are the number of tests passing, and failing, respectively.

If the push fails (status failed), you can check the logs on the Openlayer platform to debug the issue.